Friday 19 October 2012

Why Having Fun Helps People Learn

All of the programs delivered by Canoe Images are powerful, often transformational, learning experiences for participants.  They are also great fun!

Creating an environment where participants have fun is obviously better than creating one that does not but there is more to this than meets the eye; people actually learn more effectively when they are having fun.  People become more creative, are more open minded and lose their inhibitions or preconceived ideas which all lead to opportunities to learn.

Neurologists have discovered that when learners are having fun a number of physiological changes occur in the body; levels of dopamine, endorphins and oxygen in the body are increased which leads to an overall pleasurable experience for the body.  The brain, being the powerful organ it is, associates this pleasurable experience with whatever triggered it and attaches the emotion to the event – locking it away in the memory which is able to be recalled at a later date.

Entirely the opposite is true as well.  When the body is uncomfortable, stressed or physically or emotionally tired, it reduces the amount of dopamine, endorphins and oxygen available to the body.  Further, if those conditions continue, the hippocampus shrinks leading to memory impairment and any available opportunity to learn is lost.

So when you are with the Canoe Images team and you hear lots of laughter, people are not only having fun but they are also actively engaged in learning.


  1. Stan, having just left your course today, I don't know yet how much of what I learnt I will retain, but it was definitely fun, there were lots of learnings and when it wasn't absolutely terrifying, (flying through the air), it was mostly pleasurable!
    I think that being with a group of determined and motivated women who also wanted to help each other through the activities contributed significantly to my learning. Thank you.

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed the program and I thought all the ladies displayed great team and leader skills. Success in the last activity mission was fantastic when others have not been so successful. Good work Girls.

  3. I couldn’t agree more. What a fantastic program to be a part of. Such programs have the ability to not only enhance the way in which we communicate and work with people in and out of the workplace but to also boost ones confidence and determination that they can achieve challenges that they may face in work or personal life. For me working through these challenges as a successful team has significant benefit. I work with a team of 5 male CFA instructors and at times it can be tricky. Therefore I really enjoyed learning about the different communication and learning styles as I can definitely now see these in the guys and can adjust the way I communicate with each of them.
    I also enjoyed the process of undertaking problem solving activities and then reflecting on little things that we may have missed in the instructions for these activities. Very tricky.

    Thanks again to all for such a successful weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to future programs.
    Kind Regards, Amanda
