Thursday 8 November 2012

Young People

It never ceases to amaze and inspire me how young people who, when given the opportunity will take on the challenge, take control, solve problems and display great creativity and leadership.

Abby Sunderland had her dream cut short after being knocked down several times in very heavy seas off the coast of WA. Very unfortunate for the young lady but when the mast is snapped from your boat the adventure is over. Her attempt to sail solo around the world was done. Now we have the bean counters and snivelers lining up to inform us all of the recovery costs and pointing an accusing finger at people (parents coaches and supporters who in their opinion) who should never have let this happen.

It seems setting up drug and rehabilitation clinics across the nation for people who are unable to get their own lives together without mind altering substances is ok.“That’s OK”. Spending millions of taxpayer’s dollars cleaning up after misfits, who deface other people’s property with graffiti because they haven’t the intellect to channel their talent into something positive or legal, “That’s OK”. And what will the cost to the public be after a gang of morons ran rampant through a train recently stabbing, glassing and beating train travelers who simply wanted to get home. They will claim “we have nothing else to do” which of cause is just an excuse for people who can’t think for themselves.

So I for one admire those young people who want to challenge themselves in a positive way and know from experience that we have lots of young people ready to take on the challenge. We as a community shouldn't be afraid to provide the resources. I’m sure it would be a worthwhile investment. It may even reduce expenditure on the above mentioned.

As for the sniveling negative people who barely seem to have the courage to glance out the window of their office without first putting together a risk analysis or management plan, you people need to step back out of the way so our young people don’t trip over the obstacles you push out in front of them. 

I congratulate and admire Abby Sunderland on her attempt to sail around the world, Jessica Watson on her epic voyage on the Pink Lady and Jesse Martin for his great sailing story. Then just recently the 13 yr old boy Jordan Romero climbed Mt Everest and bad luck to the 12 yr old Michelito a young Mexican matador who got tossed by the bull. I hope you’re ready to try again soon young man.

All of these young people are our heroes. They are our leaders by example who inspire others  to take on the challenge and make our community a better place to live in. Even more heroic are their parents. I know there are lots more young people out there ready to have a crack so let’s support their effort.

This coming Dec I will get to meet 22 more budding young leaders who are just bursting to inspire us all. The Voyage of Discovery or CI Boundless is a 4 day program for 15 to 18 yr olds and takes place in Nth West Victoria and Central Highlands Victoria each year. 

If you have an interest in the personal development of young people check our website 

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